Building with our Community
Creating events that focus on bringing together friends and family, helping to Strengthen the bonds that build a better Community for all of us!
Schell Family Farm – Who are we? Why are we doing this?
Building a Family Legacy around Farming, and Community.
Owners Chris & Dea Schell have big plans to transform their 250-acre property in Putnam Township and Pinckney into an agricultural tourism and entertainment destination. Opened to the public in August 2019, they had an inspiring opening season. As with all new businesses the farm experienced several trials and tribulations throughout the year. Using these lessons from their inaugural season, they are launching into 2020 with an increased vision of what it takes to make the farm even more successful. Their vision is as brilliant as the annual sunflower bloom, focusing on turning the farm into a hub of year round activities. These activities currently span from July to November starting with the Sunflower season, and ending after Halloween when Ghostly Grove the Haunted Attraction closes. The Schell Family farm places a great deal of emphasis on our impact within the Community. Creating events that focus on bringing together friends and family, strengthening the bonds that build a better Community for all of us!
Schell Family Farm Overview
Here’s a look at our 250 acre property and activities
Christmas Trees
Over 40 Acres of Christmas Trees (~50,000) coming in 2020
Sunflowers & Wildflowers
Starting around August we have over 7 acres of a beautiful Sunflower bloom. PLUS newly added 3 acres of Wildflowers. This is a perfect time to stop by and wander through our maze, take pictures, and pick flowers to share with loved ones!
Around late summer into fall we’ve got several acres of apples for sale. Come try our Honey Crisps!
Schell Family Farm Syrup
We harvest and process syrup completely in-house. Flavors include, Walnut, Maple, Hickory and the Schell Farm Exclusive, “Mickory“. Try our new Apple flavored syrup coming this season!
Come late summer we’ve got thousands of pumpkins in all shapes and sizes. Last year we had over 6,000 and expect even more this season!
Fruit Orchard
2 Acres of Plum and Pear Trees, as well as 350 Sweet Cherry Trees and a Peach Orchard!! When we are done we’ll have over 15 Acres of fruit roughly 11,000 trees!
School tours
We have several areas of our farm that are perfect for school trips of all ages. Including our Syrup processing tour, fruit orchard tour, and Christmas tree trail. Click >> CONTACT US to discuss any tour inquiries you may have.
Wagon Rides
Having such a HUGE piece of property has allowed us the ability to create some amazing trails that you’re sure to LOVE! Click here for Pictures
Photography Sessions
We love to share all this beautiful scenery. Feel free to contact us to setup private photo sessions! WE DO NOT PROVIDE PHOTOGRAPHER Questions?Click >> CONTACT US
What’s New?
Here is where you’ll find out the most up to date information regarding the Farm and Our Events.
Our Family
Life @ The Schell Family Farm

2019 Season
Reflecting on Our First Season
Our first year at Schell Family Farm was an adventure! From sunflowers to ghostly ghouls we fit a lot into 5 months. Here is a look back at some of our events and accomplishments.
Open to the Public
August 16, 2019. We opened the doors to the public! Exciting day with a wonderful turnout from our area.
Free Easter Egg Hunt
April 13th, 2019. We partnered up with Adiska Dental for a FREE Easter Egg Hunt. We had a fantastic group of people show up!
Loads of Press!
They say good news travels fast, and not long after opening we had several news outlets, tv stations and bloggers sharing information about our Farm! Here are some of the articles.
- WXYZ – Sunflowers in Bloom
- Livingston Daily – Tourist Destination
- The Livingston Post Calling Families and Photographers
- Photographer and Travel Blogger – elATLboy – Pure Michigan Sunflowers
- Karly Blaszkowski Gives the Scoop on SFF
- WHMI – Agritourism – Ordinance
- Livingston Daily – Opening of Ghostly Grove
Our Own Maple Syrup
We harvested and bottled our first season of Maple Syrup to a huge following! This was a rewarding experience as we had loads of positive feedback from our customers!
Wagon Rides
With all this property we’ve created some amazing trails for our guests to enjoy. Contact us to setup Wagon rides any time of year. Here are some pictures!
Sunflower Bloom
Mid August we celebrated the first season of Sunflowers!
Free Kids Trick or Treat
October 13th, 2019 Schell Family Farm’s Ghostly Grove FREE kids’ event Local businesses handed out candy to thousands of guests who showed up. This was our biggest event to date!
The Opening of the "Ghostly Grove"
September 27th, 2019 We officially opened up the “Ghostly Grove” at Schell Family Farm. For more information visit,
Parade Time
March 16th, 2019. We did our first community parade! Celebrating St. Patricks day
Our Vision
Plans / Dreams for Our Farm
We are always planning for the future here are a few items that we hope to someday bring to Schell Family Farm

Our Partners & Friends
We Can’t do it alone

Our Guests Pictures
We love to see people sharing the experience they have with us, here are a few of our favorite pictures.
From took so many amazing pictures here are a couple!
Another from Blogger took so many amazing pictures here are a couple!
Michelle T Photography
A perfect picture from
Corey and Deena
Corey and Deena pose for a picture!
The Cookes
Thanks for Stopping by!
The Marsh Family!
What a great family photo of these Pinckney Pirates!
The MacDonalds
Thanks for Participating in our Free Halloween Kid’s Haunt
Chris Schell
Chris looking as adorable as ever! What a guy!
Contact Us

The Schell Family Farm
10055 Dexter-Pinckney Rd
Pinckney, MI 48169
(989) 954-9978
Follow Us